3 common myths about cedar hedges !
Some myths about cedars are very widespread and rather persistent…
The first is undoubtedly the champion !
MYTH #1 :”Cedar hedges like to be flooded”
FALSE ! It’s even the opposite! Like many other plants, cedars need soil that drains well enough to keep them looking nice and full. Soils that are constantly waterlogged are often a source of root asphyxiation problems in cedars. It is therefore not recommended to plant cedars in very heavy soils that do not drain. Likewise, it is not recommended to “drown” the cedars, as many people believe !
MYTH #2 : “Cedar hedges attract the insects !”
FALSE ! Cedar does not attract more insects than any other plant ! On the other hand, interestingly, birds are very fond of setting up their nests through cedar branches. And how lucky to be able to watch colorful birds coming and going in your yard, especially during the long winters!
MYTH #3 : “Cedar hedges take up too much space”
FALSE ! If cedars are maintained regularly, there is no reason for them to grow too large.
With one or two prunings a year, it’s easy to keep your hedge thin and full.
Don’t feel like maintaining your cedars?
Choose a type of cedar that does not need to be pruned: Emerald, Brandon, Holmstrup… The choice is yours!