Need privacy? The 5 advantages of a cedar hedge !
Installing a cedar hedge on a property provides many advantages. Some are obvious and others are less well known. Here are a few.
The lack of privacy in the backyard is one of the main reasons encouraging new owners to install a cedar hedge. Fences made of inert materials only provide partial and… immutable privacy: even by pulling on them every day, they will not grow!
It goes without saying that a yard exposed to prying eyes is much less inviting than a more sheltered yard. Also, if you or your neighbors have a somewhat elevated balcony, then privacy is next to nothing. Same thing if you are on a street corner.
In these situations, a cedar hedge becomes essential: it hides you from unseemly and unwanted glances and allows you to make the most of your exterior, while giving you more privacy every year.
After all, the season for enjoying your outdoor space is already short, so put all the assets on your side to get the most out of it.
In a region like Quebec where the winter is long, cold and white, having green all year round is a luxury! Despite the many deciduous trees present on the territory, their foliage lasts only for six months, at most.
Conifers such as cedars, spruces or firs provide us with greenery all year round and above all, throughout our endless winters!
The front yards are only rarely delimited and it sometimes becomes difficult to control the comings and goings of passers-by on your land, including the little companions who can come and relieve themselves in the middle of your lawn or under the window of your living room…
Planting a cedar hedge kept low in your front yard allows you to clearly delimit your land and make it less inviting for passers-by with 2 or 4 legs!
Some terrain can be overexposed to the wind, which can be very annoying, especially during winter. Also in this case, planting a cedar hedge on the side with the prevailing wind (usually on the north-west side) constitutes a very interesting natural windbreak, since it respects the essential porosity condition for an effective and durable windbreak. . Be careful, however, to choose the type of cedar well; some cedar cultivars are not recommended for very windy locations.
Reducing the phenomenon of heat islands in urban areas is one of the major challenges of current and future urban plans. Heat islands are caused by several factors, including the omnipresence of dark and impermeable surfaces and materials in the heart of cities. And it is easy to see this phenomenon on a small scale: if you have a large paved area on your land, it is probably much hotter there in summer than in a greener environment, in a park for example.
Simple actions can help reduce the formation of heat islands: installing a green fence is a good example!
When the time comes to put your property up for sale, a well-established cedar hedge is a major asset for potential buyers. Clearly, it is much easier to project yourself into a house with a lot with a good level of privacy rather than a bare lot, where you feel constantly exposed and observable. This is even more essential when the land includes a swimming pool.
It is therefore wise to think about installing a cedar hedge quickly after moving into a new home: the owner can take full advantage of his yard from the first year in addition to having cedars already well established during a possible resale. .